let us introduce ourselves...

We are dedicated professionals who have vouched to serve the senior industry through the expertise each of us brings to the service we provide. We know first hands what it means to be worried about the transition process and not having resources or booths on the ground. We are passionate about helping families and seniors and treat each of our families as we would want professionals to treat our parents, back home. We have dedicated resources and time to the community for the past twenty years and TOGETHER, we bring comfort, eliminate stress and handle the details in the transition process.

A Certified Real Estate and Transition Management Company

Eldercare Transition Specialist


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Licensed Professionals

Providing families simplified solutions and the resources they need

Mom and Dad's Home is a MOM'S HOUSE certified transition specialist and is in good standing with the National Placement and Referral Alliance and Arizona Association of Patient Advocates. We have invested over 20 credit hours of continuing education, specifically focused on the senior industry and how to best help families.

  • Managed, fixed and sold over 1000 properties

  • Evaluated over 5000 investment homes

  • Helped our clients deal with tight budgets, legal issues and renovations

  • Build and managed our investment portfolio of single- and multi- family homes

  • Used creative financing to pull in a 40%-60% ROI on all our off-market investment homes

Why work with us?

3 Easy Steps


  1. Meet your transition specialist

Speak with one of our certified transition specialists so we can understand your unique situation.

  1. Schedule your WALK THROUGH THE HOME

We will review your property, documentation, care necessity and will create a solution that best fits your needs and home situation.

  1. Spend more time with your loved one while we take care of the rest

Make informed property decisions, with no pressure, on your timeline, and enjoy your fresh start while we take care of the rest.

Property solutions

How we help our seniors

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Personal Transition Concierge

A family advocate is assigned to the senior to help with the process from start to finish. From deciding what to take along, packing, shipping, coordinating estate sales and donations to shipping family heirlooms and unpacking at the community.

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Express Cash Offer

We can help unlock the equity for the senior through our no commission, “no closing fees” cash offer to easily and fast transition out of the home.

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Equity Payments

Seniors can remain eligible for state benefits while getting payments for long-term care expenses through a term contract. Thus, saving on capital gains, realtor fees, and more while we offer top market prices with a long-term payout that can be transferred to their heirs.

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Community down payment assistance

In the case that seniors need to transition to the community fast and care is needed immediately, we can help with the community entrance fee while we figure out the rest. Bridge loans are optional upon proper circumstances.

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Property management

If the senior is not ready to sell, or is not ready to part with the home, our property managers will rent and manage the property. If at a later point, the home is sold through us, all paid property management fees are reimbursed.

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Real Estate Broker Services

If your home is market ready, we work with our expert team of realtors and certified senior home specialists to sell your home quickly and for top dollar.

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Sell and Stay

If an option, we will support the senior in staying home until further level of care is necessary and will help unlock the equity of the house to be able to afford the in-home care. When time calls, the senior easily transitions to a community, without dealing with the stuff left behind.

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Probate Home Care

Providing no-money-out-of-pocket solutions for families, attorneys, and executors, dealing with a probate. Assisting with management, maintenance, and the sale of the estate's properties.

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Take a positive step

How we help our partners

We value the expertise of the industry professionals and build relationships to unlock more and faster opportunities for them to help our seniors.

For Communities…

We solve occupancy issues. Our "Express Cash Offer Program" and "Community Down Payment Assistance Program" help you get families quicker to your door. No need for seniors to wait 6 months to sell a home to move in. Bridge loans are also available with no approval process, credit score check, etc.

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For Financial Advisors…

We are the solution to finding money for your clients to pay for long-term care. Our programs like “Property Management”, “Sell and Stay” and “Equity Payments” could be the right combination of steady income and tax benefits. We are in your professional toolbox to unlock finances, which will place you in a leading position among other industry professionals. 

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For the placement agent…

We are an extension of your compassionate service. Our "Personal Transition Concierge" works alongside you to make sure of a smooth transition. As an extension of your team, our goal is to take your clients to the next level of care quickly and with ease and make sure families spend more time with mom and dad. As a real estate company, we don’t believe one size fits all. We give informed assessments, so your clients can decide which option best fits their needs.

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For the social worker and case manager...

We share a love for dealing with the difficult situations that you encounter daily. We advocate for people in need. We embrace the challenges we face when helping seniors and love to make your job easier. We are resourceful, knowledgeable, and creative in solving each unique situation with the critical eye of a problem solver.

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For attorneys, executors, and fiduciaries...

We are experienced in dealing with legal issues and offer unique and flexible solutions for your clients. Our "Probate Home Care Program" provides no-money-out-of-pocket solutions for families, attorneys, and executors, dealing with a probate. Assisting with management, maintenance, and the sale of the estate's properties. Our unique services will help you earn more business, and offer unique services that put you in front of other professionals. 

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We are an extension of your team. Our unique value propositions help you expand your business, get notable credibility, raving reviews, and provide efficient service.

See Our Packages

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Basic Plan


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Premium Plan


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Exclusive Plan


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What Our Families and Partners are Saying about us

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“Val has such a big heart and it shows in the work she does. She understands the aging process and works so well with seniors. Val is professional, organized and not afraid of a challenge. She is incredibly thorough in her work and follows through with what she says. She has gone above and beyond to assist and has been extremely dependable. I would highly recommend Val.”



Chelsea Kleve

Founder/ Executive Director

“I worked with Oggie when I got the sudden news that my brother has passed away and we were to go through a probate to distribute his estate. Since I am located in Brooklyn, NY, the situation was overwhelming, but my attorney recommended Oggie as an expert who can take care of it all for me. Oggie was easy to communicate with and efficient in the process. Val was very personally involved when clearing my brother’s house. She patiently worked with me to find items and shipped to me or other relatives out of state. She found family heirlooms that I didn’t know were in my brother’s possession and carefully packaged and shipped them for me. Thank you Oggie, Val and your team!”



Diane Freeman,

Brooklyn NY

“I work with Val and Oggie as a team on a regular basis. I know that I can rely on the job to be done and highly appreciate their connections and expertise in the business world. Val is detailed and dependable and Oggie is always in a quest to connect more people, empower those around and share his vast knowledge.”



Helena Donohoe

American Title

“I met Val while networking and was immediately drawn by her warmth and energy. I was new at my current position and she made me feel welcome and introduced me to others in the group. Since then, Val and I have been collaborating on a few projects and I have gotten to know her personality and professionalism. She is dedicated to the senior industry and always searches for ways to help those in need or solve a problem. I am comfortable referring to Val’s business to my clients as I see the personal care they receive and I know that many families will be well taken care of. “



Sarah Whitlow

Connections In Home Care

Meet Our Leadership


Val Butler

Family Advocate /

Director of Operations

Val Butler is a Certified Transition Specialist. She has dedicated the last 16 years of her life to helping families in her community, solve social, financial, procedural and contractual challenges. She comes to our team with immense experience, servicing client needs as a project manager with exceptional time management skills and ability to work under pressure, strategic thinking, and leadership skills. Val is a creative thinker with the unique ability to problem solve and applies her experience as a family advocate. She has been responsible for the planning, development and execution of solutions to her client’s life changing events. Val’s passion is helping people. She is a resourceful, caring and curious individual with the heart of a true philanthropist. She seeks ways to be useful, strives to bring joy to others and remains professional while caring for those in need. Val enjoys cooking, organizing, hiking, running, traveling, planning special events and finding a bargain while shopping. She stays busy taking care of the needs of her family and three pets, and coordinating an active family calendar. Val enjoys a busy schedule and remains active in her community.


Oggie Penev

Founding Partner

Oggie is a passionate entrepreneur with a creative mindset who never stops searching for better and more efficient ways to serve his clients and his community. He is an inspired humanitarian, real estate business professional, who has found a way to make his success the main drive to serve others and aims to empower those around him. He has helped numerous families in the valley eliminate the stress of life’s housing transition situations. He passes his experience by lifting others and seeks to provide inspiring opportunities to those around him, whether partners, collaborators, or clients.Oggie’s true inspiration is his family; he and his wife Tina have 2 children, Martina and Deia. Oggie enjoys spending time with friends and often takes a recharge trip, camping with his family in beautiful Northern Arizona. He is involved in his community and enjoys spending his Sundays, socializing in his community.


Nick Dimov

Founding Partner

Nick is a leader in the real estate world who has dedicated resources to serving the senior industry and to being a resource in the time families need most support and compassion. His extensive knowledge about real estate finance and acquisition experience, as well as his substantial expertise in restructuring a non-performing loan, contributes tremendously to the service Mom and Dad’s Home provides and unlocks creative solutions for our clients. His partner in life, wife Jenny, is also an experienced professional with vast experience in the real estate industry, business development, operations and marketing, who is responsible for overseeing the firm’s day to day operations. While not in service, Jenny and Nick like to explore the West coast with their RV and soak up the beauty and equilibrium of the beach. Nick is also a passionate sports lover and a true car enthusiast, who appreciates a smooth ride. At home, Nick is a busy man, taking care of his family, son Alex, daughter Ivana and the newest member of the family, loving pup, Hermes.

© 2024 - All Rights Reserved

This service is a one-stop-shop for you or your Loved One transitioning to eldercare. No need to call and research different people. One phone call and a transition specialist is assigned to your family to assist through the whole process and manage the details. We pride ourselves in the relationships we have built with other industry professionals and the resources for the senior are endless and invaluable.

Contact Us

Call us at: (602) 560-5505

Email us at: info@MomAndDadsHome.com